Ocean Duty

Wear the Change

Ocean Odyssey Tees




Our Ocean, Our Responsibility

Ocean Blogs

Tuesday July 02, 2024

Rising Ocean Temperatures A Hurr...

Imagine a world where hurricanes become more powerful and frequent, wrecking havoc on coastal communities and causing widespread devastation. Unfortunately, this is not...

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Thursday March 21, 2024

Why I Love Scuba Diving

For over two decades, I have been chasing the allure of the deep blue, immersing myself in the tranquility and freedom that only...

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Wednesday February 21, 2024

Positive Action on Beach Vacations

Heading to the beach for your next vacation? Why not make it an eco-adventure by choosing businesses that love our planet as much...

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Wednesday January 10, 2024

The Healing Power of the Ocean o...

As someone who has lived in the cold north for most of my life, I understand how brutal winters can take a toll...

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Saturday December 16, 2023

The Unseen Depths: Ocean Conserv...

In the grand scale of our blue planet, the ocean is a vital player. It covers over 70% of the Earth's surface, regulating...

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